7 min read

The Three Properties of a Good Data-Intensive System

Defining reliability, scalability, and maintainability.

Table of Contents

There’s a running joke in the tech community that everyone recommends the book “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” but no one has actually read it. Well I’m here to tell you that I’m built different from y’all snowflakes.

Just kidding.

But seriously, it’s a great book. There’s a lot of gems in there. And just like everyone else, I also recommend this book to anyone who wants to level up their knowledge on distributed systems. You’ll learn a lot from the interleaving history of data models, intricacies of different types of storage engines, challenges in handling distributed systems, and the trade-offs of different design decisions.

In my last blog post, I’ve said that I want to start posting my notes on the papers I’ve read. Actually aside from that I also want to post my notes on books I’ve read. So because right now I’m in the process of reading DDIA again. I thought it would be a good start. Because I already forgot like 90% of the things I’ve read in the book anyway. So posting my notes here would be a good way to solidify my understanding of the concepts.

Data-Intensive vs Compute-Intensive Systems

The book focuses on data-intensive applications. These are applications that are IO-bound rather than CPU-bound. Meaning they are more concerned with the size of the data, the complexity of the data, and the speed at which it is changing. Rather than the speed of the CPU.

For example, a Reddit-like web application with similar scale is a data-intensive application. Because it mostly only involves reading and writing data to the database. Albeit at a large scale. Typically most of the processing time is spent on IO operations (storing data to database, retrieving them, etc.).

While something like a real-time video encoding application is a compute-intensive application. It doesn’t do much of storing and retrieving data. Instead the operations it’s running involves a lot of CPU computations and the speed is dependent on how powerful the CPU is.

The Three Properties of a Good Data-Intensive System


In the most basic sense, reliability means the system continues to work correctly even when things go wrong. Which includes the following scenarios:

  • The system continues to serve requests even when some components are failing.
  • The system can tolerate human errors.
  • The system can recover from human errors.

It basically means that the system is dependable to do what it’s supposed to do correctly every time needed. This is the foundational property of a good system, any type of system I would say. If a system is not reliable, one can easily lose customers, data, reputation, and ultimately money. In a more high stake environment, unreliable system can even cause loss of lives.

Imagine if you’re using a banking application and you can’t transfer money for a week because their datacenter caught fire. Or your data gets lost because their database gets corrupted. Or you frequently can’t withdraw money from the ATM because their system keeps breaking. You will certainly switch to another bank because you deemed their system to be unreliable.

Extrapolate that to a more high stake environment like a hospital. Imagine if the system that monitors the patient’s vital signs is unreliable. It could cause the patient to die because the system didn’t alert the nurse when the patient’s vital signs are deteriorating.

There are a number of techniques to make a system reliable, such as:

  1. Horizontal scaling
  2. Redundancy
  3. Failover
  4. Monitoring
  5. Disaster recovery plan

It’s not an exhaustive list, and each technique may apply to some systems but not to others. It depends on the requirements of the system. But all in all, the goal is to make the system dependable to do what it’s supposed to do correctly every time needed. So every technique that helps achieve that goal is usable.


I think everyone knows what scalability means. It’s the ability of a system to cope with increased load. But what kind of load are we talking about? Because a system can grow in a lot of different ways. It could be that after a massively successful marketing campaign, the number of daily active users increases. Or it could be that the amount of data the system needs to store increases. Or it could be that the amount scheduled tasks the system needs to execute increases. Or it could be that the number of read requests the system needs to handle increases. Or it could be the number of write requests. And so on and so forth.

Those are called the load parameters. Basically it’s the thing that increases in a certain scalability scenario. And when talking about whether a system is scalable or not, we need to be specific about the load parameters we’re talking about. Basically the question shouldn’t be: “Is the system scalable?” but rather it should be: “How does the system behave when the chosen load parameters increase?”

Asking “Is the system scalable?” is not very useful, because handling an increase in the number of read requests is different from handling an increase in the number of write requests. And handling an increase in the number of daily active users is different from handling an increase in the amount of data the system needs to store. So we need to be more specific.


A software system is not done when it’s in production. Because it still needs to be maintained. And the majority of the system’s lifetime is spent in the maintenance phase. So it’s important to make this phase as easy as possible. And that’s what maintainability is about.

Martin Kleppmann defines maintainability with 3 pillars:


After the system is deployed, probably someone else is going to operate it. While some organizations implement a “you build it, you run it” policy, most organizations still have a dedicated operations team. So it’s important to make the system easy to operate.

To do this, we can utilize a number of different techniques, such as:

  1. Provide visibility into the runtime behavior of the system.
  2. Provide good support for automation and integration with standard tools.
  3. Avoid dependency on individual machines.
  4. Provide good documentation and an easy-to-understand operational model.
  5. Provide good default behavior, but also allow administrators to override defaults when needed.
  6. Provide the ability to self-heal where appropriate, but also give administrators manual control when needed.
  7. Exhibit predictable behavior, minimizing surprises.


Everybody likes systems that are easy to understand. It’s easier to reason about, easier to debug, and easier to maintain. In a fast-paced environment, an unnecessarily complex system hinders the ability to move fast because changes are harder to make. I emphasize the word “unnecessarily” because sometimes complexity is necessary. But most of the time, we should strive to make the system as simple as possible. And that’s what simplicity is about.

To keep a system simple, we can utilize a number of different techniques, such as:

  1. Using abstractions to hide complexity
  2. Using well-known patterns and techniques
  3. Provide good documentation
  4. Provide good tooling


A system that’s hard to change is very frustrating to deal with. You touch one part of the system and another part breaks. It’s like playing whack-a-mole. So making a system easy to change is very important for the sanity of the developers. Especially in a fast-paced environment where requirements change frequently.

To make a system evolvable, we can utilize a number of different techniques, such as:

  1. TDD
  2. Avoid tight coupling between components
  3. Make the system modular
  4. Learn to be comfortable with refactoring, make it part of the daily life